BUCS Team Racing Championship 2018

Explanatory description
The BUCS Team Racing Championship, involving over 500 sailors competing at ‘Qualifiers’ at four venues in each of four 'Areas' of England and Wales in early February and, in Scotland, at three ‘League’ weekends between November and February, Playoffs, in early March (to enable some additional teams to qualify for Finals) at a venue chosen following a bidding process each year and, then, Finals - held in late March or early April, also hosted by a USC following a bidding process.

The 2018 Team Racing Championship is organised on behalf of BUCS by BUSA. The events will be hosted by university sailing clubs as shown below.

All Race Documentation, Notices and other information, including Entry and Pre-Event Information and Entry Information (to be made via BUCScore) are posted here, as will be the SIs and any Notices of Amendment to the NoR or other official documents and information.

Any enquiries to the Organising Authority should be addressed to the BUSA Secretary. or by telephoning 02380 604 167. Due to maternity leave, it will be helpful if all correspondence is copied to [email protected], so as to ensure a prompt response.

New posts will be noted toward the top of this page. All official documentation is listed and accessible at the bottom of the page.



News willl be posted on the Championship Facebook page - BUCS Team Racing Finals 2018 - and on Twitter - @BUSAsailing

Recent posts


  • NB All invited teams (apart from IUSA) must be entered on BUCScore (authorised by AU/SU BUCScore Coordinator) by 11:59 on Thursday, 15th March



  • Qualifier Results (updated on 19-02-18 to include the Northern Qualifier).
    Captains of Northern teams to be invited to Playoffs and those to be invited to Finals will receive an email shortly.



Race Documentation and Notices:

  • Team Lists - Qualifiers +SSS3 - as at 23:45 on 31-01-18
  • English & Welsh Qualifiers- Schedules (posted 30-01-18):
  • English & Welsh Qualifiers - Sailing Instructions (posted 25-01-18)::
  • Teams as at Final Notification on 04-01-18 - Teams for English & Welsh Qualifiers entered and confirmed by Team Captains as at the 04-01-18 deadline.
    Should, in extremis, any further substitution become necessary, formal application to the Organisational Authoirity will be required, and medical and/or academic certification may be sought.
  • NB the NoR Appendix C regarding substitutions. The proposed substitute must already be registered on the Universal Reserves List (via BUCScore - it is separate to each Championship entry section) - this covers all BUCS sailing events 2017-18. The deadline for adding reserves to the Universal Reserves List is 23.59 on the 1st February 2018.
    Any special request for a substitution should be sent to [email protected] and a copy also sent to [email protected]. .

BUCS website:
